The role of jet mill in pharmacy & fine chemical industry

In the modern industry with increasingly sophisticated technology, especially in pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, ultra-fine grinding is an extremely important and indispensable link. Among them, jet mills are the preferred equipment in the industry, due to the principles and characteristics of the equipment. The following advantages:

1.  High product purity: This is because the principle of the jet mill is to use compressed air to bring animal materials to collide and grind by itself, and the compressed air is processed by a cold dryer and a precision filter, and there is no other media to contact and grind. Especially when grinding materials with higher hardness, a ceramic-lined grinding cavity can be used, so no other impurities participate in the grinding.

2.  Energy saving and high product efficiency: In the jet mill system, the efficiency of the jet mill is higher than other grinding equipment under the same power consumption.

3.  Uniform particle size distribution of the product: Under the condition of controlling the feeding speed and the rotating speed of the grading wheel (fluidized bed jet mill), the particle size of the jet mill tends to a normal distribution.

4.  Cryogenic grinding: The temperature of the compressed air, the medium used by the jet mill, is much lower than normal temperature after passing through the cold dryer. This ensures that the grinding process belongs to low temperature grinding, so it is especially suitable for the grinding of heat-sensitive materials.