Development and application of high-performance boron nitride materials

As a new ceramic material with excellent performance and great development potential, boron nitride includes five isomers, namely hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), cubic boron nitride (c-BN), fiber Zinc mineral boron nitride (w-BN), rhombohedral boron nitride (r-BN) and rhombic boron nitride (o-BN).

Applications of Boron Nitride

Current research on BN mainly focuses on its hexagonal phase (h-BN) and cubic phase (c-BN). The former has lubricity, thermal conductivity and good high-temperature performance; the latter is also in a thermodynamic equilibrium and stable state at normal temperature and pressure. The main application area of h-BN is as a raw material for the synthesis of cubic boron nitride.

Hexagonal boron nitride

Hexagonal boron nitride is a material with high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity, high insulation and excellent lubrication properties. According to the current situation, simplifying the process, reducing production costs and increasing the service life of components are the current comparisons of this type of material. Active research directions. Main applications: crucibles, boats, liquid metal delivery pipes, rocket nozzles, high-power device bases, etc. for smelting evaporated metals. It can also be used as various material additives.

cubic boron nitride

Used as abrasive material. Small particles of cBN single crystal can be used as abrasive material. CBN abrasive tools use the action of a bonding agent to bond cBN abrasive grains into products with a certain geometric shape as a superhard material abrasive tool.

Used as tool material. PcBN overcomes the shortcomings of cBN single crystal, such as easy cleavage and anisotropy, and is mainly used to make tool materials. PcBN cutting tools are particularly suitable for high-speed cutting and can also be used for high-precision cutting. They have been widely used in CNC machine tools and are suitable for cutting high-hardness materials.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the increasing demand for applications, boron nitride has broad prospects for future development. Here are some possible trends:

Improve preparation efficiency: Improving preparation efficiency is one of the ways to achieve large-scale production of boron nitride, and developing more efficient and economical preparation methods is its development goal.

At present, the preparation efficiency of boron nitride is low, requires higher temperature and pressure conditions, and the preparation cycle is long. One of the future research directions is to develop more efficient and economical preparation methods to improve the preparation efficiency of boron nitride.

Develop new materials: In addition to conventional boron nitride materials, new materials such as two-dimensional boron nitride and porous boron nitride will receive attention. These new materials have unique structures and properties and are expected to be used in a wider range of fields.

Expand application fields: Boron nitride has been widely used in electronics, optoelectronics, materials science and other fields. Its excellent performance can expand more application fields in the future, such as biomedicine, environmental protection and other fields.

Improve performance and stability: The mechanical and chemical properties of boron nitride can be improved by controlling the crystal structure and purity to meet higher application requirements in the future.